The Mighty Eye of the Congo sets it's sight on Chicago and Fort Lauderdale.

Where I work. 
A lot has happened in this past week and I was unfortunately in the rural mountains of Pacific Northwest, buried under the ice and snow for a job that I take every once in awhile. However no matter how cold it gets the dark heat of Palo Mayombe, the nocturnal fires of the Exus and Pombagiras, and infernus of the Goetic daemons will forever burn hot in both my heart and mind. As much as I could, I attempted to keep up on the happenings in Chicago and Fort Lauderdale, as well as my other projects... some I mention and many I don't for various reasons.
"Nfumbe says that an agreement made with blood is never broken". 

This week I will be doing more intensive psychic based investigations into the four kids who kidnapped the disabled boy in Chicago, and also the Fort Lauderdale shooter. 

At a glance, just entering into raw mediumship with my Nfumbe (a spirit of the dead a priest or priestess of Palo Mayombe make a blood pact with at their scratching or initiation), this is what I am being told about the incident in Chicago.

1. The four kids from Chicago have a lot in common with the two kids (Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold) who are supposedly responsible for the Columbine shootings. 
Whoa Dylan I see other people with guns shooting our classmates! Its not just us??

Fuck Eric you are such a dick weed. Don't you know we are both high as fuck right now, both our parents are CIA, and we are the patsies in a multiple shooter staged terror attack?!?!


The Chicago Four
These four where recruited because they fit a specific mental/behavior profile (aggressive, impulsive, but also submissive to older males of the same race) which means they can be colluded into this act with promises of money, and help with "music" careers. The people (probably linked to the CIA) who recruited these four kids brought them together within the last year (2016). Drugs, and alcohol where made readily available to these four, and they where encouraged to be sexually active with each other. They where brought to concerts and taken out to clubs in order that they formed a tighter bond. The two females where turned into underage prostitutes in order to trap a local political figure who is now being extorted, and will be a long term puppet. 

2. The four kids did not steal a van, rather they where driven by a dark skinned male (late 20s) who kept in contact with an older while male on the phone. 

Piggy wants another! 
3. The victim was one of three or four pre-selected victims, who had been told this was part of a movie and the acting needed to be as realistic as possible. The victim suffers from lower IQ and possibly is high functioning autism. He was not kidnapped but pick up at a set time and went willingly. 

4. The area this happened was also pre-selected, and built like a closed set. Facebook (CIA-Book) allowed the airing of this staged event. The "victim" while roughed up, and cut a little, was complicit. He was programmed/verbally prepared and "talked up" (encouraged) for the abuse he received. He was promised sex with the two girls as a reward as well as money, an Xbox One, and he would be in movies (made famous). 

5. This is a staged event which the CIA hopes will provoke a backlash from an angry white/right wing Trump supporters ("Fuck white people" and "Fuck Trump"), maybe even a violent retaliation against the "anti-Trump/ Black Lives Matter/ Black community". Such a retaliation would potentially cause riots and looting (Watts, Los Angeles, Ferguson, etc) . That would be distraction from the child pedophilia connected with the Clintons, Podesta and George Soros, but MOST IMPORTANTLY create conditions for a race war which can be steered and directed against a myriad of political enemies. 

My Mpaka of the Black Dog.
There might be more to come on this as a ready my M'paka (an animal horn, filled with sacred ingredients and capped with a round mirror) to look deeper into this event. 

The Fort Lauderdale situation is a very messy and tangled one. 

1. The shooter is indeed under mind control.

2. He was not being recruited into ISIS...HOWEVER... US military personnel who are or look middle eastern are being recruited into the building of a more potent and dangerous ISIS to stage a fake war with real consequences. These soldiers are under heavy mind control and heavy mind altering drugs. 

3. Damning information that Obama helped create ISIS and that the CIA and Pentagon have long been filtering money to recruit a perpetual "super" terrorist group to stage a "forever war" on a global front for financial and political gain will very soon come out. This shooter was a shill planted to get ahead of the information, and make anyone who takes it seriously look like a nut case, like the shooter. 

4. The image of "GI Joe", kept coming up, and Cobra as ISIS. I am seeing that the leader or "Cobra Commander" of this CIA backed ISIS will claim to have family ties with Osama Bin Laden. Such dramatic flare CIA.... 

Knowing ISIS is CIA is half the battle.

I am Osama Bin Laden's second cousin's nephew's out of wed lock step brother!!! Hail COBR... errr I mean..ISIS!! 
5. I need to see when the TSA is up to be defunded. This will be used to justify their continued existence, strengthen their invasive searches and increase their funding. 

6. The metal state of this shooter will further be used to disarm veterans, as well as the public, and help push a bill to would require veterans to be keep on anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs. 

More to come has a look into my M'paka about this too.

-Papa Crocodile


  1. My father is a disabled veteran, and is very easily influenced by facebook ad the nightly news. I think the reason they are more heavily worked on is because they are more apt to recognize warlike propaganda. Or LESS apt to recognize it...

  2. You are a dumb ass. Having worked 20 years for the CIA I can tell you have only scratched tge surface of Vaginal Belching nonsense that you secrete on this site.


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