Daemon Guland says HIV pandemic coming ahead of VERY expensive AIDS "cure".

This really should have gone out yesterday but I am very busy with work and school. Under the protocols of the Grimorium Verum, for reasons I will not get into, I had the daemon Guland evoked for consultation. During the course of the evocation Guland gradually because more and more rilled. I finally questioned Guland about this and Guland let slip a frightening piece of information. Information I unfortunately was able to verify this morning.

Guland revealed a deadly "scotched earth" infectious disease policy that has gone into effect. I will give full details on the discourse between Guland and myself when I am able. However, what Guland said about HIV-AIDS, I have already confirmed. This has happened before. The company BAYER knowing sold aspirin which had been contaminated with HIV. Guland makes it clear that BAYER purposely inoculated the aspirin for the purposes of soft kill population control.

*Guland stresses vaccines, which would be effective if not used for evil purposes, are indeed sterilizing and soft killing a portion of those who receive them. What vaccines also do is weaken the DNA strands/chains. As those weakened DNA strands get passed on to offspring/children, they degrade even further and further etc. Within three generations, Guland claims, the majority of the world's population will be sterile and IQs of mid to low 80s common place.

Guland says that HIV "infected" blood will soon be normal. This means blood banks will have their stores contaminated (purposely), and a pandemic of HIV will across sweep the United States in the next two years. This will herald the Big Pharma release of the long withheld HIV"cure". The cure will be exceedingly expensive, and only marginally effective. It is not really a remedy, but medical life extension allowing people live with HIV or AIDS for 40-50 years (assuming you can afford to pay for the medication).

This morning I discover the State of California has officially negated the screening process for blood donors and blood sellers. The State of California will now collect, store and give transfusions of infected blood. California Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill allowing this last Friday

With Guland's influence still lingering in my psychic field I could hear the daemon say this (the information in the paragraph above) will be used as a smoke screen, (the blood has already been infected), and this lunacy of accepting anyone's blood will be blamed for the upcoming HIV pandemic.

There was a lot more information I was given. I will make everything I was told by the daemon Guland public as soon as I can. However I ask that all of you research this too.

-El Patron


  1. oh great and here I am close to donating blood for some quick cash, I'm just waiting on some info to fulfil the required documents to donate.

    I've noticed that they started paying ALOT for new donors in my area.

    Will this only effect people getting blood from others and not actually people donating the blood?

    1. I do not believe that this will affect the people giving blood as you are not receiving anything from them.

  2. Agreed the problem is people with aids will be allowed to donate. So the people reciving the blood will be infected. Donating should still ve safe.


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