Psychic Impressions of the Vegas Shootings (A rough Draft)

I am in a class today so I need to be quick about this, however until I get this out I cannot focus on my here we go.

Antifa has leaked out it's desire to bring about civil war starting on Nov 4th. This could have been an attempted triggering. A country music fest is a prefect venue for Trump supporters and Conservative-Right who would arm up in response. Also the shooter was an accountant... there was a movie recently about a hit man accountant in Vegas..I think. 

I am thinking it all could have been distraction. The man might have been in extreme gambling debt and his family threatened. If you are going to pull off a big heist you will want cops and cameras focused elsewhere. A exploited gunman patsy shooing up a concert while you steal from some where else is a good way to do it. However it does still feel political. The heist could have been to finance Antifa. 

George Soros only has so much. Antifa has been little more than a pathetic joke, Soros's pockets might be a little empty. George Soros is financially linked to para-military groups in the Ukraine, and he has padded the Antifa ranks by funneling these Ukrainian insurgents into America. If you where funding and planning a coup of the American Government, paying foreign soldiers to help stir up civil unrest  via a domestic terror group (Antifa was declared a terrorist organization) by targeting a well armed and easy to rile (being heavily demonized by the media) conservative right, is the way it would need to be done.

I believe there to have been multiple shooters.

The father of the main shooter (the shooter the media will focus on) might have been on the FBI's most wanted list for bank robbery. The Columbine shooters, Lee Harvey Oswald and the Boston Bomber suspects, all have or had, parents that had links to either the CIA or FBI, even both. These government agencies seem to enjoy keeping their influence in the family. 

My nfumbe is whispering about the Salvadorian gang known as Ms-13/ Ms-13 started as a CIA run program to train revolutionaries, and is now a loosely CIA controlled gang of killers, and drug dealers. I think they might play a role in this somewhere. 

-El Patron


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