Seth Rich issues warning that Alex Jones is being targeted by Clinton payroll killers in DC. Trump being threatened. AI sex bots to record a broadcast DNA samples digitally!

*I think my blog is purposesly been fucked with. PLEASE let me know if you can read this*

If you have read my blog for any length of time you know that I conducted remote viewing
and psychic investigations into the murder of Seth Rich. I linked the murders back to the
Democratic Party, Hiliary Clinton and Joe Podesta before anyone else did. I even summoned
the spirit of Seth Rich to consult him on his own murder using my mediumship and a
spirit box. I pacted with the spirit of Seth Rich to receive light, water and elevation for
his continued sid in bringing down the Illuminati and their Global pedophile network.

Last night the spirit of Set Rich appeared to me in a dream. Seth explained that Alex Jones of is in DC and attempts on his life where being discussed. I became
lucid in my dream asked if Seth Rich would accompany my Nfumbe to spy on these meetings,
and tell me what is being planned. He agreed. If I am able to retrieve more information
from Seth Rich I will make everything public here on this blog.

Seth Rich also informed me the life of President Trump (as well as is family) is being
threatened to order military action in Syria (the recent chemical attack was a False Flag,
same as the one from last year) to manifest the Illuminati's wish for WW3. I will be stepping
up my efforts to spiritually and magically protect President Trump and keep us from
going into WW3.

Seth Rich lastly told me the Andromalius ritual to arrest Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama
has produced powerful effects and has made significant impact towards this aim.
We should continue pushing forward. I know a sex tape of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin
sexually abusing and torturing a 13 or 14 year old girl exists and Law Enforcement is in
possession of it. I posted a blog about this over a year ago  LONG before anyone else
even mentioned it. Our next ritual will to be to have this video leaked. That will be
coming very soon.

A strange warning came from a fire elemental I invoked for a specific occult working.
The fire elemental, a highly advanced one, told me that A.I sex bots are being programmed
to digitally scan and transmit DNA samples to corporate and government labs for a
secret human cloning project.

Lastly I may have tracked down damning information concerning the kidnap and murder of a
girl in one of the Carolina states that might be the downfall of the T.O.B including who
I believe is their financial frontman, a subhuman pile of diseased monkey shit, a “living God”
(I told you son...Dog WILL hunt...)

If you enjoy my work, I invite you to visit my pateron page. If discover you are in alignment
with my efforts, consider becoming a member. I am releasing lessons and modules on
Ceremonial Magic (other occult workings), including physical training protocols which
are wholly unique, and I am doing this in ways that has never been done,
or at least not in this modern age.

-El Patron.


  1. I can read it, but the words run off the page. I'm not sure if it's because i'm on mobile or (((they))) are fucking with it.

  2. Post is live, I am able to read this.

  3. Your text programming is going off the lines meaning some words cannot be seen or read but i've seen that happen on one of your other posts.

    Change the text line formatting/fix it. Never a problem but slightly on this post.


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