Trump and Putin MULTIDIMENSIONAL chess to take out the Illuminati not WW3. Daemon MUSISIN consulted!

With mounting tensions between America and Russia over the recent (and again) FALSE FLAG chemical attack in Syria I can feel the stirrings of what could be a major nuclear crisis on the horizon. Unable to sleep I went to the Grimorium Verum and conducted the conjuration of the daemon MUSISIN to get some clarity. 

Character of MUSISIN
The Grimorium Verum says this about the daemon MUSISN:

MUSISIN has great power over lords, teaches all things that happens in the Republics, and the affairs of allies. Steals state secrets and teaches all manner of political espionage. 

I am pressed for time so I will not go into detail about the ritual or the paranormal happenings as MUSISIN arrived, however this is the gist according to MUSISIN.

Trump and Putin are long time allies. They have know each other for decades and have done a great deal of business together. They entered into an agreement that Trump would do what he can to usurp the Illuminati and Putin (who is looking to sever the Illuminati tentacles still worming their way through Russia since the Rothschild funded Bolshevik revolution) wants a free and prosperous Russia. Trump being a billionaire was approached many times by the Illuminati as well as received many invites to Bohemian Grove and other secret societies and meetings. Trump toyed with the idea of trying to infiltrate them, but Trump's father, who is a John Birch style patriot, taught his son to stay away. 

Trump and Putin are using  the possibility of WW3 as a smoke screen to draw out the Illuminati/Soros/Clinton/Obama/Bush deep state and under the pretext of an armed conflict with each other (Trump and Putin) move to militarily strike Illuminati factions in both America and Russia. They know that the Chinese have infiltrated the American deep state and will pretend to save America from Russia, and go after Russia when it has been greatly injured in a Nuclear war. The Chinese then seek t absorb America onto a new Chinese run model of National Socialism with the Illuminati/Soros/Clinton/Obama/Bush alliance running it.

Putin allowed Hilliary Clinton and Joe Podesta is be entangled into dealings with Russia in order to blackmail and extort them latter. Trump and Putin will next launch a combined counter offensives to bring China to heel once and for all. 

I sincerely hope MUSISIN is correct. MUSISIN has never failed before so I am feeling confident that this is how things will play out. 

-El Patron


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