My 3/18/2020 prediction that Antifa will stage riots is VALIDATED. Prayer to help end this!!!

Yet again, this is what EFFECTIVE remote viewing and spiritual consultation look like. This is REAL work. On 3/18/2020 I made a public statement, on YouTube, that Antifa would be inciting riots during the lockdown. Sure enough. This is exactly what is happening RIGHT NOW. For posterity sake, here is my video where I make that highly accurate prediction.

Please watch this video and follow the steps and prayers to help put an end to this.

Please watch video evidence of Antifa (5/29/2020)  inciting violence HERE

Because EFFECTIVE and AUTHENTIC mediumship and remote viewing can warn about this, it can also be used to bring it an end.  This Temple has THAT kind of strength and that level of devotion to humanity's progression. Join with us! Help raise humanity out of the fetid swamp of unspeakable evil and corruption we are drowning in.

This is the Prayer I was directed to use for when this happened.


Lord, may it please You to cast a kindly glance over the imperfect Spirits who find themselves in the obscurity of ignorance and so do not know You, especially the Spirit of (Antia and Democratic-run Demostic Terrorists)

Good Spirits, help us to make them understand that by inducing men towards evil, obsessing them and tormenting them, they only prolong their own sufferings. Make the example of the happiness You enjoy into encouragement for them.

Spiritual brother, you who still take pleasure in the practice of evil, listen to the prayer we offer for you; it should convince you that we only desire to help you and not to do you harm.

You are unhappy because it is not possible to be happy while practicing evil. So why do you remain in suffering when the possibility of avoiding it depends on yourself? Look at the good Spirits surrounding you at this moment and see how blessed they are! Would it not be more agreeable for you to enjoy the same happiness?

You say this is impossible; however, nothing is impossible to he who wants something, since God gave you, as He did all His creatures, the liberty to choose between good and evil, happiness and wretchedness, and no one is condemned to practice evil. Just as you have the will to do evil, you may also find the will to do good and be happy.

Cast your eyes back towards God. Direct your thoughts for an instant to Him and a ray of divine light will illuminate you. Say these simple words together with us: Dear God, I repent, forgive me! Try to repent and do good instead of doing bad things, and you will soon see His mercy descending upon you and an indescribable feeling of well-being will substitute the anguish you experience now.

Once you have taken the first step along the path to goodness the rest of the way will be easy to follow. You will understand then what a long period of happiness you have lost through your own fault. Nevertheless, a radiant future full of hope will open before you and make you forget your miserable past, full of perturbation and moral tortures, which would be hell for you if they were to last for eternity. The day will come when these tortures will be such that you will desire to make them cease at any price. Nevertheless, the longer you leave it the more difficult this will be.

Do not believe that you will always remain in your present state; no, this is not possible. You have two prospects before you: to suffer very much more than you have done until now, or to be blessed as are the good Spirits who surround you. The first is inevitable if you persist in being obstinate when a simple effort on your part would be sufficient to take you out of the bad situation in which you find yourself. So hurry, seeing that each day you delay is a lost day of happiness!

Good Spirits, permit these words to echo in the mind of this backward soul so they may help him to approach God. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Who has such great power over evil spirits.


Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas

The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow. 

Papa Machete que ganas todas las Batalas is a world-renown circus trained Strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Remote-Viewer, Psychic Investigator, researcher, Voudou and Palo Mayombe Priest, author, activist, and adventurer. Spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete Who wins all Battles, and offers services through his Online Shop. Papa Machete welcomes all people, of any race, gender, orientation, or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity, and are willing to stand for what is truly right, not just what is popular.


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