Hell is coming so give hell right back! Be prepared not scared. What you can do to get ready.

In 2018 I predicted the coming COVID-19 crisis with startling accuracy. I also revealed the dangers of the vaccine, its connection to bats, and that it would come from China. Read the blog post here.

Four months ago, I received a warning from my spirit guides that the Coronavirus/COVID-19 lockdown would get utilized to build "secret infrastructure," and what happened? 5G towers began appearing en masse, and the building or renovating of underground facilities exploded.

I saw that there would be an assassination attempt on President Trump within 3 months. Not but a few days later, a strange event occurred at the Mar-a-logo. I have been told by a friend who is a United States Senator, that it was indeed an assassination attempt and was hushed hard and fast.

I was warned many kids would go missing or get taken from their families. It has started to make news that CPS has been rounding up children. Taken from homes with a supposedly COVID-19 positive family member or from parents who question and or refuse to follow state COVID-19 guidelines (guidelines are not laws). The parents have not been able to see or talk to their children—the "lockdown" cited to keep the children safe. The number of children who go missing, die, or get STDs in CPS custody alone should cause national outrage and open revolt.

So why do I tell you all this? Part of the warning I received was the formulation of a liberal-leaning domestic army with board executive powers and legal immunities. This civilian army will be employed in the same vein as the Hitlerian youth bridges/Brown Shirts. I have also been warned about the activation of a fully radicalized and armed Antifa, as well as other Democrat-run domestic terrorist groups.

The stated goal of these domestic terrorist organizations differs individually, with some being Maoist, Stalinist, Marxist, and Leninist. However, their own commonality is they are all funded by Democrat and Soros financial fronts. Their collective purpose is to target anyone who isn't a leftist, questions the current medical tyranny, or defends their right, with violence.

I want you ready for what for whatever happens, ready to not only survive but have total victory over it. In 2013 I wrote, and self-published "Heros Journey: The Sword from the Stone." I documented my own physical, spiritual, and mental journey to one-hand overhead press 160lbs for a set of 6 and 150lbs for a set of 10. I accomplished it with a small bit of patio space and an adjustable dumbbell that loaded from 10 to 130lbs (had to buy an upgraded dumbbell set for the 130lbs to 160lbs).

Point is, I built incredible full-body strength with next to nothing in terms of space or equipment. So can you and I strongly encourage you to do so.

Smashwords (who partners with other online booksellers)suggested I raise the price of the book. I thought not, and instead, I lowered it to $5. I want everyone to have it. I want everyone to discover more about themselves and be stronger than they ever thought possible. It is a book about magical transformation, revolution, and becoming the King or Queen of your world.

Use this book as a manifesto for personal liberty, mental freedom, spiritual liberation, and physical preparedness.

NAMBLA sponsored and Pro-pedophile Antifa to enforce social justice. 

If you do not want to take a vaccine, receive an implant, get a chip underneath your skin, or generally submit to tyranny or its goons, I predict you are going to want the methods outlined in this book.  My predictions have, unfortunately, been exceedingly accurate.

With the lies of the neo-liberals and those who engage in global pedophile networks for fun and profit quickly crumbling, they have nothing left but violence.

But fear not, you will be ready to answer their villainy.

Remember, in this moment, despair ends, and tactics begin.

Grab your copy of Hero's Journey: The Sword from the Stone.



Papa Machete que ganas todas las batallas

The Machete leads the way and defends al who follow.

Papa Machete que ganas todas las Batalas is a world-renown circus trained Strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Remote-Viewer, Psychic Investigator, researcher, Voudou and Palo Mayombe Priest, author, activist, and adventurer. Spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete Who wins all Battles, and offers services through his Online Shop. Papa Machete welcomes all people, of any race, gender, orientation or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity and are willing to stand for what is truly right, not just what is popular


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