Psychic and Nercomantic investigation of Corn Pop and Joe Biden takes a DARK turn.

The findings from Psychic and Necromantic investigations are in no way admissible as evidence in a court of law. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I am disclosing my findings for curiosity only. None of this should be thought of as fact. 

The following is a full accounting of my psychic and necromantic investigation concerning an individual Joe Biden (former Vice President, pseudo-2020 Presidential hopeful, confirmed child sniffer and molester, and strongly suspected pedophile) calls "Corn Pop."

At midnight I began the opening prayer and songs for my lineage of Palo Mayombe, entering into a specific trance brought about through the stimulate known as Tobacco. Inhalations and exhalations of taking in and holding Cigar smoke in a measured fashion. As I feel my blood start to rattle and fizz, I summon my Nfumbe (a spirit of the dead I entered into a blood pact with on the night of my Palo Mayombe initiation).
My M'Paka

I softly settled my gaze into the mirror of my m'paka (an animal horn capped with a mirror and full secret ingredients), greeting my Nfumbe, while offering rum, and Tobacco. After a few minutes, I could see the energy inside the mirror swirl, the portal to the realm of the dead was now open,

I tasked my Nfumbe to open up a line of communication with the spirit of the man Joe Biden calls Corn Pop (he is a bad dude, and he ran a bunch of bad boys). Intuitively I could sense a light buzz spread throughout the Kalunga (the realm of the dead). I refocused on my breathing and allowed the fizzing in my bloodstream to intensify.

A distant voice entered my ear, "what do you want"?
Re-opening my eyes, I could see my Nfumbe standing before me. Next to my Nfumbe was a black man, late 30s, his apparition was faint but present. Tapping my Palo de Muerto (Stick of the Dead) on the ground in a specific pattern, I stabilized his connection a little better. Both his apparition and voice became stronger. Wearing a short-sleeve pale yellow button shirt and white pants, he gave me a mean sneer. Sensing his attempt to challenge me, my Nfumbe stepped at him hard, and the man immediately pulled back.

Hey, Joe! She just isn't into you... 
I asked him if he was Corn Pop, who Joe Biden spoke about. He replied that he did go by the nickname Corn Pop, but his real name was either Will or Willis (I could not make it out) Murphy. I greeted Corn Pop as a friend and offered him rum, water, tobacco smoke, and lit him a white candle. The tension eased, and his apparition manifested even brighter.

I asked him if the story Joe Biden tells, a tale about Corn Pop being a gangster and a near showdown between Joe wielding a chain and Corn Pop using a straight razor over a disagreement which took place at a public pool. A dispute concerning Palmade hair gel and a hair net. Yes, it is that fucking ridiculous.

Corn Pop shook his head. Corn Pop stated that Joe Biden was sexually attracted to black men. As a lifeguard, Joe Biden was sexually predatory towards both black men and boys. Following them into the locker rooms, watching them shower and suggesting they sexual please one another.

Corn Pop said that Joe Biden approached him and made a motion to fondle his genitalia. Corn Pop gave details about how he proceeded to beat up Joe Biden, leaving him unconscious and bleeding on the locker room floor. Corn Pop and his friends (which he says was not a gang and that he was not a gangster) surrounded him in the parking lot and told Joe if he targeted a black boy again, they would gut him.

Ed Buck (rainbow bow-tied sexual predator) next to Hilary Clinton. 

I believe Corn Pop's version of events. Joe Biden's public displays of molesting children lend credibility to Corn Pop. Lastly, Corn Pop offered a curious lead. Corn Pop mentioned Ed Buck; a significant Democratic donor was arrested and charged for injecting large amounts of methamphetamine into at least ten African-American male prostitutes and killing at least two.

Corn Pop states that Joe Biden and Ed Buck share a secret relationship. Together they have chemically immobilized and sexually assaulted black men, resulting in a few deaths. This happened both in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. Corn Pop claims there is proof on the hard drive of a Jewish porn producer in Los Angeles, California.

I asked Corn Pop if he would be willing to help me make this evidence public. He agreed and permitted me to call upon him again. In exchange, I gave him another round of rum and Tobacco. I thanked my Nfumbe appropriately also before ending my psychic and necromantic investigation of Joe Biden and Corn Pop.


Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas

The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow.

Papa Machete que ganas todas las Batalas is a world-renown circus trained Strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Remote-Viewer, Psychic Investigator, researcher, Voudou and Palo Mayombe Priest, author, activist, and adventurer. Spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete Who wins all Battles, and offers services through his Online Shop. Papa Machete welcomes all people, of any race, gender, orientation, or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity, and are willing to stand for what is truly right, not just what is popular.


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