Gathering of the Most High and Benevolent beings? Yes, be there!

The Temple's work with the Oriental Commission of spirits at the beginning of 2020 is paying off, and maybe in a way, I could never have imagined. I make it no secret that I am a longtime student of a family lineage of Baguazhang linked with the Hop Sing Tong Benevolent Society headquartered in Los Angeles, China Town, California. I have also received harsh tutelage in both Northern and Southern Mantis schools, admittedly more Southern than Northern.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 hoax (I predicted in 2018 with the clearest and most accurate prediction there ever was within that context HERE), my professional workload became a sort of continual nightmare. I work in the health field, but directly with people, which means I am not dancing for Tik-Tok videos at empty hospitals, coding every death as COVID-19, or getting $39,000 for each flu victim hooked up to a respirator. Fucking shameful. My usual 8 to 9-hour workday turned into 12-14 hours. I barely had time to sleep, let alone visit with people who follow my work.

However, very recently, when an actual Daoist lineage holder from Northern Californa said he'd be in Tucson and wanted to share knowledge on Baguazhang, I could not pass it up. What he did not tell me until we met, is that is Master, a Priest who lives on Wudang Mountain, had a similar prediction about a "Black wind" blowing from China to the United States. He proceeded to tell me that he found my work on YouTube when he stumbled across the New Years Oriental Commission video. He was curious about why I was burning Hellnotes while practicing Voudo.

He read more about the Oriental Commission and the 21 Commissions of Puerto-Rican Voudou, Sanse. Once he saw the global nature of Sanse as well as the work of the Temple, he wanted to meet me. It was a true gift to have a friendly sparring match with someone else with his level of true martial skill. His lineage of Daoism is exceptionally refined and clean. He could not learn my method of Baguazhang because a fighting Tong (the training hall of a clan or gang) had engineered it, and he felt that it contained too violent a spirit. Instead, he transmitted to me the first, second, and third sections or "palms" of his lineage's Baguazhang. In a few years, I can see if I am ready to inherit more.

We talked metaphysics, and he gave me something he wanted me to share, a contribution of his own to the Temple's cause of global slave revolt. He was surprised to learn that in Sanse and Spiritism, each person has a spiritual court consisting of many spirit guides but that 3-5 act as the spokespersons for the rest, and the principle guide, or sentinel spirit, speak for all. These spirit beings meet and discuss how best to help you at the top of your head, or "crown."  African religions like Voudou and Ifa (all Loa or Orisha based religions) understand the crown of your head, and the crown of God is the same.

He told me that, unsurprisingly, Daoism has the near exact framework. However, he said that on the 14th of every month, the highest level and most benevolent beings (Daoist Gods and Immortals, etc.) gather to discuss the state of the world. This meeting is projected in miniature (microcosm) on the Bai Hui point (crown or highest point on the top of a person's head) of every person in the world. Each person's spirit guides are invited to sit in at that person's particular projection of the meeting and ask questions specific to that person, for that person's highest good, of these Daoist Gods and Immortals.

I had chills, and then he proceeded to make hand signs or mudras over the top of my head so he could transmit that knowledge upon me. Not since my first Godfather bestowed his lineage of Voudo and Occultism to me, or the night I got scratched into Palo Mayombe, has person to person energy transmission been that intense.

We will be keeping in touch for sure. The Oriental Commission, which continues to be a major force in the Temple, has made another incredibly significant contribution by making inroads to this lineage of authentic Daoism.

To actively sit in on this meeting the 14th of every month, you must wait until at least 10 pm. You need to be very clean. Bathe, put on clean white clothes, have fasted since noon, and washed out your mouth. Light a white candle and a stick of incense. Bring a cup of clean water. Sit on the floor, or a pillow, legs crossed for meditation.

Announce yourself, state your name, and that have come to listen in on the tremendous heavenly gathering. State that you light this candle, burn this incense, and offer this water has a contribution to the celestial court.

Now focus on the smoke rising from the incense stick and let it lift your awareness and spirit, filling your head. Focus your attention on the very topmost point on your head, and you will see an entire congress of little spirits gathered and discussing the state of the world. Now get very still and listen as intently as you can while remaining as relaxed as possible. When you find your mind has wandered off three times, you have finished. The more meetings you sit in on, the clearer you will be able to hear what is said.

There is a special mudra or hand position to use, but it is not necessary, and I will share that only with Temple members as well as other things which are now officially Temple tradition.


Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas

The Machete leads the way and defends all those who follow.

Papa Machete que ganas todas las Batalas is a world-renown circus trained Strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Remote-Viewer, Psychic Investigator, researcher, Voudou and Palo Mayombe Priest, author, activist, and adventurer. Spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete Who wins all Battles, and offers services through his Online Shop. Papa Machete welcomes all people, of any race, gender, orientation, or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity and are willing to stand for what is truly right, not just what is popular.


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