I strike blood on the Tempel ov Blood! VICTORY! Spiritually and ideologically of course.
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Ogun Fegai-Saint George |
T.O.B claims, and I believe them, to have been the American branch of the Order of Nine Angles, or O.N.A, a collective of nihilistic twats, desiring a Satanic world order, who will be made into "Nocturlians", or advanced predatory species, whose DNA will be spliced with intergalactic vampire-grey aliens (no really) and will have free reign over the chattel-cattle (anyone who does not become the living embodiment of a psychopathic parasite) via harsh alchemical transformation. Once this transmutation occurs the new Nocturlians will feed off and rule the chattel while worshiping un-dead Gods in a new dark eon. Delightful.
Now I know, your saying, "Papa Machete, thats not true", but, and sadly, I assure you it is. Here it is in their own words from their own site.
http://tempelovblood.tripod.com/ (as of this moment the site is still up).
"The Tempel ov Blood exists as a Nexion to the Dark Gods as well as a guidance and filtration system for aspiring Noctulians. For those seeking a harsh alchemical change into the Transcendental Predator based on a synthesis of Sinister Hebdomantry and Vampirism...Our Calcination, Seperation, and final Coagulation will create a New Being capable of bringing about the "Day of Wrath" spoken of in the Diabolus Chant. Hail the New Aeon! Agios Athanatos!"
Really? Just who do these assholes think they are? Rothschilds? Saxe-Coburg and Gotha? At least the current elite worshipers of dark and ghoulish alien gods have the class and pedigree to conduct their child ritual sacrifice, molestation and cannibalism on the grounds multi-million dollar mansions. O.N.A and in tandem T.O.B, like cockroaches, infest trailer parks and projects funded by government housing authorities.
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David Myatt O.N.A and T.O.B |
Both O.N.A and the T.O.B exhibit tell-tale and extremely dangerous marks of intelligence agency handlings. David Myatt, (under the name Anton Long) an agent for MI-6, British intelligence, created O.N.A in the, somewhat successful, attempt to merge Satanism with Neo-Nazism, in order that he could recruit violent moronic patsies to commit acts of terror which would benefit political agendas, but by blamed on "devil worshiping skinheads" who are painted as the political opposition. He now sees to merge Islamic extremists white skinheads, and publicly converted to Islam. Yeah...I wish him the best..
T.O.B being the American branch of O.N.A, had their foundations created by a member of British intelligence and there no reason to assume that the C.I.A was not, in some way, handling the dismally idiotic sacks of pathetic slimy shit who resonated with the deplorable goals of the T.O.B, and for all the same reasons as MI-6. BEAST BARRACKS (https://bloodtempel.wordpress.com/page/3/) the long running Word Press blog of T.O.B has now been taken down for violation of terms of service.
Considering the T.O.B used BEAST BARACKS to call for:
1. Open satanic terrorism.
2. Massing shootings.
3. Rape.
4. Kidnap.
5. Human trafficking.
6. Slavery.
7. Snuff films.
8. Murder.
9.Pedophilia (their book "Iron Gates" is about the systematic rape,sexual torture, UK Ultra Mind control and paramilitary conditioning of a 13 year old girl, all in graphic detail).
Seems like its about fucking time Word Press.
if T.O.B was an Islamic terrorist group, that blog would have been shut down in seconds, someone was protecting them.
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T.O.B photo-ops |
T.O.B was a modern Hand of Death Cult, or H.O.D.C. H.O.D.C was moderated by Michael Aquino, and operated as a mobile paramilitary training camp in the Florida Everglades. Using the Satanic current in the 1980s (most call it Satanic Panic) Michael Aquino was able to recruit a "throw away" army of serial killers and deviants. He trained them, drilled them and loosely connect them for upcoming "missions" involving low-level terrorism, assassination and human trafficking for both political and financial gain. Ever wonder how Ottis Toole, Henry Lee Lucas, Jeffery Dahmer and Ted Bundy all just happened to be in Florida around the same time? In my December 19th, 2015 post, I draw clearer connections to H.O.D.C and T.O.B.
From the moral and intellectual base of pro-pedophilia and snuff-film O.N.A and T.O.B come a crop of utter asinine snot-stain ass-clowns who all profess secret Satanic/Luciferian doctrines:
1. E.A Koetting, whose real name is Matthew Laurence,and authored essasys for the T.O.B as Drill Sergeant 333.
2. Michael W. Ford, outed fraud and admits to it.
and a few other lesser known half-sacks, who are not worth mentioning.
Both E.A Koetting and Michael W. Ford claim to have left the T.O.B, however, I find this particular passage on the Tempel ov Blood website troubling:
"Second, the infiltration and manipulation of organizations and forms with Sinister potential. Aryanism, particularly the more religiously fanatical forms of it, such as Christian Identity are a good example. The manipulating Noctulian is to use these forms for their own Presencing of the Dark, as well as changing in subtle ways the followers of such forms to following a more Sinister direction. For example, in Identity, using knowledge of the Biblical doctrines and prophecies encourage war, hardship, and system disruption using the scriptures as guidance and proof of the message you are sending to adherents of the said form. Any form with a transhuman, system disruption, or satanic direction to it may be of use here. The key is finding a form that in itself is an aid to the Dialect and empowering it further, causing a saturation of Acasual Energy.
Third, disruption of Magian organizations. Whether overtly occult forms, such as Judeo-Christian churches, Wicca covens, pseudo-satanic temples, or more physical "down to earth" forms such as Magian political groups and government. These need to be infiltrated and disrupted via both magical means (the ways of which are detailed in a ms not available to the public) as well as in more physical and practical ways."
I would not call the average Reddit or YouTube searching occultist educated, intuitive or overly aware. E.A Koetting and to some degree Michael W. Ford, could easily publicly, outwardly, denounce T.O.B but still inwardly support and pursue T.O.B's plainly stated agenda of infiltration. For E.A. Koetting, I believe this to be the case, and I believe he serves, or served, as a financial front man for T.O.B, through his Become a Living God, or B.A.L.G. If there is a link, it will be found and should it be found, well...actions have reactions. Financial contribution to satanically aligned pedophiles, human traffickers, and terrorists is not something I am"cool" with.
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"I just want to go home and see my mom" |
I've been doing some traveling as of late. I've been some places and I've done some things. Its fun to imagine that maybe I was able to physically locate a high up of T.O.B, and the deep, immense satisfaction I would feel hearing a phrase like, "I just want to go home and see my mom" whimpered from out a now largely toothless and blood filled mouth. I can vividly imagine that mouth belonging to a mid-30s male with a military type build and a shaved head. I can see him quivering and convulsing on the ground at my feet, his eyes full of fearful tears. I would wonder how his mother would feel if knew she gave birth to human waste, who desired a satanic world order, sympathized with pedophiles and beat a tied down year old girl with a rubber hose until she went insane and now vomits (a fear reaction) at the sight of a garden hose. I would wonder if he would be "Nocturlian" material in his current state, and if I asked him, I could only project that he wouldn't answer, just cry and bleed. Lastly I would feel semi-vindicated as I picked him up over my head and put him down hard into a dumpster, and inform him, he was "now home". What would be really interesting is if I where to go through his cell phone and maybe dial his mom, and have a chat with her. What would happen to him? I couldn't care. Of course, its all fantasy,nothing but musings with no basis in truth whatsoever. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch.
I think I might visit Utah, Saint George area next. Who knows.
Tired living in a world where pedophiles, human traffickers and those calling for open murder and mass shootings are protected by people in political power, because these monsters serve their political and financial interests? Want spirituality that will give you a back bone and fill you with courage? If so,consider joining our temple.
Houngan, Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas
"The Machete leads the way and defends ALL who follow"
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