White Eagle the Indio and Tesla spirit channels information on sonic medicine! Spirits promise we can do it!!!! Musical Poison??? Who is with me???
Back in 2009 I worked in the in home health care field for very high level clientele which included political figures, celebrities, well known artists, scientists, developers of early computing, and aging defense contractors. I was told and saw things that only a few would ever see. My association with authentic methods of the occult also opened doors for me, as this level of society has strong interest in genuine esoteric information and ability, I mean genuine, not the baseless nonsense on the majority of YouTube, and near all of Reddit.
I worked for an man with stage three Alzheimer's. He had worked in Aerospace and other sciences based in electrical engineering for Los Alamos Labs in New Mexico. In his study where volumes and volumes or binders labeled "Top Secret" and dated 1970-1990. He told me they had been declassified and there was no danger in reading them. To be honest the science was a little above me, but something did catch my eye, "medical frequencies".
At some point in the early 80s, they had broken down aspirin and antihistamines to the sub-atomic level. Through a process of diluting the chemical in liquid, I believe pure water, until so little of it remained only a low frequency emitter could pick up a subatomic trace. It was then the sub-atomic particles where electronically photographed and made fractals,which could be turned into harmonics.
Essentially medicine made into a sonic frequency, and then played. The vibration would resonate with the cellular resonance of a living being, and the chemical reaction would happen inside the body of the living being without having to ingest the medicine, but by simply being within the field of harmonics.
Latter,circa 2010, in what was a pure act of synchronicity, I was told by a spoiled and evil prick from an insanely wealthy family, that he and his father receive "medical beams", holographic projections of the sub-atomic particles directed at their bodies for a specific duration of time everyday. That this was pure and perfect refinements of medicine and who ensure they lived well into their hundreds. It seems that original field frequency has been upgraded into holographic beams.
A lot has happened since then and now. The people I told about this, and the large sonic frequency emitting technology being installed into major cities to blanket manipulate the people living there, couldn't accept it. It was a little advanced I guess, and I stopped talking about it. I was involved in a few early YouTube channels (2008-2012) making videos about the Illuminati, the modern human slave trade, global pedophile networks, and sonic mind "voice to skull" altering and manipulation technology. These channels disappeared without any reason given. Must have actually touched a nerve.
However just tonight, while I was preforming an Indio/Indian Cordon, or Indio Espirtual, a practice in which a commission of spirits is honored and petitioned, a powerful Indian spirit (Native spirit) came and reminded me of the topic. He made it clear that he is in fact White Eagle, and he is of an extremely high and elevated state. White Eagle chooses who he interacts with and will not answer the summons of anyone who is not capable or willing to work for the supreme good of humanity. I am just a man, but I have had very unique experiences which have brought me to a particular point where I can help this great work anchor and manifest.
White Eagle initiated in me, the details I cannot say, into a certain body of knowledge, and a direction for it which will continue to awaken and progress. He says that over the course of the rest of my life, and anyone else whom is willing to aid me, that he will help form in us, the ability to vibrate, resonate, and direct the frequency of universal medicine, based on specific chemicals for specific needs. White Eagle warns that we are looking at a great epidemic (Disease-X) in the future. He points to the recent outbreak in the Congo of a weaponized disease that he says is being reported on as an Ebola outbreak, but that it is not Ebola and it is far worse that what is being reported. It was released on purpose and part of a depopulation program.
White Eagle then brought forth another spirit, one so intensely clean I thought for sure it was an Archon or Angelic force. No, close, it was THE Nikola Tesla. He too sees the need for this. I did a large scale occult working to bring back the spirit of Nikola Tesla, and unlock his secrets for humanity back in 2013 or 2014. Thousands of people participated and the results where beyond my imagining. I am still hearing back about this.
Because of that, Nikola Tesla will join White Eagle and he made a transmission of energy into me also. Nikola warns that his technology is being used to harm and dominate the world's people, and that same medicine frequency I read about in that declassified Top Secret binder, could and in fact was being used to transmit diseases and poisons via sonic emitters. This is weakening the immune system of the whole United States of America and the rest of the world. White Eagle says that I am correct in my early ideas (videos I made back in 2009) that non-physical beings from an outer realm are being allowed to take residence inside the bodies of humans in exchange for advanced technologies and high science. CERN all but admits that is purpose is to open miniature black holes to let other entities come through (major work being scheduled to address that) That the world is indeed being re-terra-formed and the skies darkened to make these being more comfortable here. White Eagle and Tesla state that 528Hz and 432Hz will not only drive these beings out but prevent them from possessing or hitchhiking on people.
The sicker, weaker, unhealthier, and less attuned the population, the looser their DNA strands become. These Entities are attaching themselves to the frequency of the loosened DNA strands, and going deeper into the RNA. Vaccines,and flu shots contain animal and insect DNA which also attach it's self to loosened human DNA, changing the nature of our species, and helps us become something more to the liking of these entities.
White Eagle and Tesla promise to begin teaching me the methods of specific frequency generation and how to direct it on a very high level and with strength. This will be a great work, and one that will be carried on by others. I do not have this ability yet and I am told it will be years and years in development. I am also told that myself and others should not try and apply Reiki or other energy transmissions to this process. That this method was being introduced at one time during the Renaissance of Europe but was brutally squashed by the Catholic Church. It survived via one line of transmission and that is where I will first be directed too.
I am not sure what is going to happen. I am afraid and shaken by this experience. But I will commit. I cannot say how this will happen, but I will do as I am directed. Other spirits made themselves known, but they wish to remain secret. Because Tesla and White Eagle so pure in purpose and elevation they cannot be swayed by material offerings, nor their work co-opted. I am made this promise. That I will be the point of transmission, and that anyone else claiming to be receiving transmissions on this subject are lying, or being deceived. Second, I received a list of 7 other transmission points, specifics about 7 other people who, should I for whatever reason be removed from the equation, will become the next point. I will give this to 1 to 3 of my most trusted friends. They will be able to verify the authenticity of the next point (who would be contacted to carry this work on) based on the specifics of the list.
I must go and live a my regular life says White Eagle, only then will the transmissions, like seeds, sprout, take root and grow. It will be organic. I will be lead and taught through them, but in accordance to nature life. If you feel called, and this is something you want to be a part of, consider joining our temple. Our Indio Espirituals just became very interesting.
-El Patron/Houngan, Papa Machete que ganas todas las batallas
"The machete leads the way and defends ALL who follow".
I worked for an man with stage three Alzheimer's. He had worked in Aerospace and other sciences based in electrical engineering for Los Alamos Labs in New Mexico. In his study where volumes and volumes or binders labeled "Top Secret" and dated 1970-1990. He told me they had been declassified and there was no danger in reading them. To be honest the science was a little above me, but something did catch my eye, "medical frequencies".
At some point in the early 80s, they had broken down aspirin and antihistamines to the sub-atomic level. Through a process of diluting the chemical in liquid, I believe pure water, until so little of it remained only a low frequency emitter could pick up a subatomic trace. It was then the sub-atomic particles where electronically photographed and made fractals,which could be turned into harmonics.
Essentially medicine made into a sonic frequency, and then played. The vibration would resonate with the cellular resonance of a living being, and the chemical reaction would happen inside the body of the living being without having to ingest the medicine, but by simply being within the field of harmonics.
Latter,circa 2010, in what was a pure act of synchronicity, I was told by a spoiled and evil prick from an insanely wealthy family, that he and his father receive "medical beams", holographic projections of the sub-atomic particles directed at their bodies for a specific duration of time everyday. That this was pure and perfect refinements of medicine and who ensure they lived well into their hundreds. It seems that original field frequency has been upgraded into holographic beams.
A lot has happened since then and now. The people I told about this, and the large sonic frequency emitting technology being installed into major cities to blanket manipulate the people living there, couldn't accept it. It was a little advanced I guess, and I stopped talking about it. I was involved in a few early YouTube channels (2008-2012) making videos about the Illuminati, the modern human slave trade, global pedophile networks, and sonic mind "voice to skull" altering and manipulation technology. These channels disappeared without any reason given. Must have actually touched a nerve.
However just tonight, while I was preforming an Indio/Indian Cordon, or Indio Espirtual, a practice in which a commission of spirits is honored and petitioned, a powerful Indian spirit (Native spirit) came and reminded me of the topic. He made it clear that he is in fact White Eagle, and he is of an extremely high and elevated state. White Eagle chooses who he interacts with and will not answer the summons of anyone who is not capable or willing to work for the supreme good of humanity. I am just a man, but I have had very unique experiences which have brought me to a particular point where I can help this great work anchor and manifest.
White Eagle initiated in me, the details I cannot say, into a certain body of knowledge, and a direction for it which will continue to awaken and progress. He says that over the course of the rest of my life, and anyone else whom is willing to aid me, that he will help form in us, the ability to vibrate, resonate, and direct the frequency of universal medicine, based on specific chemicals for specific needs. White Eagle warns that we are looking at a great epidemic (Disease-X) in the future. He points to the recent outbreak in the Congo of a weaponized disease that he says is being reported on as an Ebola outbreak, but that it is not Ebola and it is far worse that what is being reported. It was released on purpose and part of a depopulation program.
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'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.'.' |
Because of that, Nikola Tesla will join White Eagle and he made a transmission of energy into me also. Nikola warns that his technology is being used to harm and dominate the world's people, and that same medicine frequency I read about in that declassified Top Secret binder, could and in fact was being used to transmit diseases and poisons via sonic emitters. This is weakening the immune system of the whole United States of America and the rest of the world. White Eagle says that I am correct in my early ideas (videos I made back in 2009) that non-physical beings from an outer realm are being allowed to take residence inside the bodies of humans in exchange for advanced technologies and high science. CERN all but admits that is purpose is to open miniature black holes to let other entities come through (major work being scheduled to address that) That the world is indeed being re-terra-formed and the skies darkened to make these being more comfortable here. White Eagle and Tesla state that 528Hz and 432Hz will not only drive these beings out but prevent them from possessing or hitchhiking on people.
The sicker, weaker, unhealthier, and less attuned the population, the looser their DNA strands become. These Entities are attaching themselves to the frequency of the loosened DNA strands, and going deeper into the RNA. Vaccines,and flu shots contain animal and insect DNA which also attach it's self to loosened human DNA, changing the nature of our species, and helps us become something more to the liking of these entities.
White Eagle and Tesla promise to begin teaching me the methods of specific frequency generation and how to direct it on a very high level and with strength. This will be a great work, and one that will be carried on by others. I do not have this ability yet and I am told it will be years and years in development. I am also told that myself and others should not try and apply Reiki or other energy transmissions to this process. That this method was being introduced at one time during the Renaissance of Europe but was brutally squashed by the Catholic Church. It survived via one line of transmission and that is where I will first be directed too.
I am not sure what is going to happen. I am afraid and shaken by this experience. But I will commit. I cannot say how this will happen, but I will do as I am directed. Other spirits made themselves known, but they wish to remain secret. Because Tesla and White Eagle so pure in purpose and elevation they cannot be swayed by material offerings, nor their work co-opted. I am made this promise. That I will be the point of transmission, and that anyone else claiming to be receiving transmissions on this subject are lying, or being deceived. Second, I received a list of 7 other transmission points, specifics about 7 other people who, should I for whatever reason be removed from the equation, will become the next point. I will give this to 1 to 3 of my most trusted friends. They will be able to verify the authenticity of the next point (who would be contacted to carry this work on) based on the specifics of the list.
I must go and live a my regular life says White Eagle, only then will the transmissions, like seeds, sprout, take root and grow. It will be organic. I will be lead and taught through them, but in accordance to nature life. If you feel called, and this is something you want to be a part of, consider joining our temple. Our Indio Espirituals just became very interesting.
-El Patron/Houngan, Papa Machete que ganas todas las batallas
"The machete leads the way and defends ALL who follow".
Awesome! Reminds me of the research Royal Rife was doing. Who also made a microscope that surpassed todays technology. He had made a frequency generator on which a tube filled with gas was attached to create a field in a particular frequence. I knew the switch from 432hz (A) to 440hz (A) had a more deeper reason. I already use the 432 frequency during my rituals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0f3B_KLdeI&t=668s Don't know if that's the right way to utilize it. But i did ask my higher self through a pendulum if this was alright and got a positive response. We will win!